Robicomject Injectible 100 Ml

Per mL: Vits B1 20 mg, B2 2 mg, B3 4 mg, B5 4 mg, B6 2 mg, B12 5 mcg.

Used against Vitamin B deficiency. It is an effective supportive medicine for gastrointestinal disorders and enemas, dermatitis, muscle cramps, growth disturbance, nutritional disorder and parasitic infection.

Available Forms:
Solution for inj (IM) vial 10 mL and 100 mL.

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Robicomject Injectible 10 Ml

Per mL: Vits B1 20 mg, B2 2 mg, B3 4 mg, B5 4 mg, B6 2 mg, B12 5 mcg.

Used against Vitamin B deficiency. It is an effective supportive medicine for gastrointestinal disorders and enemas, dermatitis, muscle cramps, growth disturbance, nutritional disorder and parasitic infection.

Available Forms:
Solution for inj (IM) vial 10 mL and 100 mL.

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Wormbuster 5 Gms

Per g: Levamisole HCl 150 mg, retinol 900 IU, menadione 3.5 mg.

For swine parasites like roundworms, stomach worms and whipworms. Aids in the repair and recovery of the intestinal mucosal layer and improves immune system of the animal.

Available Forms:
Water soluble powder 5 g and 10 g.

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Coccibuster 5 Gms


Prevention and treatment of avian coccidiosis.

Available Forms:
Water soluble powder 25 mg/g x 5 g.

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Tripulac Pig Doser 100 ml with dispenser

Per mL: Cotrimazine (Sulfadiazine base 50 mg, trime­thoprim base 10 mg).

Treats and controls neonatal scouring in piglets, particularly those caused by Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp.

Available Forms:
Oral suspension 50 mg/10 mg/mL bottle with dispenser (2 x 100 mL).

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